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For the treatment of all acute & chronic wounds, ulcers, cuts, treatment for the Microdacyn Wound Care Solution & Microdacyn Hydrogel are simple to use abrasions and burns.


Microdacyn moistens, accelerates healing, physically kills  germs & helps reduce inflammation

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Treatment Areas

The 2016 international guidelines recommend Microdacyn for treating wounds & preventing infection[1]

1: IWII 2016 (International Wound Infection Institute)

Acute Wounds


  1. Spray Microdacyn® Wound Care Solution directly onto/into the wound. Apply enough so that the area is completely saturated and leave for 15-30 seconds.

  2. Spray Microdacyn® Wound Care Solution onto a sterile gauze or cloth and use it to thoroughly clean the wounded area being sure to clean out any debris in the wound itself.

  3. Leave the area to dry and apply a dressing and/or bandage if required. Microdacyn® Wound Care Solution is compatible with all dressing and bandage types.

  4. Wound cleansing with Microdacyn® Wound Care Solution can be repeated up to 3 times a day if required.

  5. Continues to apply Microdacyn until the wound has closed and is healed

Microdacyn® Wound Care Solution should not be used in conjunction with other wound cleansers or creams and is designed to be used on its own.


Microdacyn® Wound Care Solution is non-toxic and can safely be used in sensitive areas such as around the eyes and mouth.

Microdacyn can be broadly applied within a comprehensive wound treatment.

Practical Tip: Use 
Microdacyn® Wound Care Solution to soften and loosen dressing and bandages during their removal and redressing

Chronic Wounds


  1. Spray Microdacyn® Wound Care Solution directly onto/into the wound. Apply enough so that the area is completely saturated and leave for 15-30 seconds.

  2. Apply a Microdacyn® Wound Care Solution compress soaked gauze for 5-10 minutes to aid in desloughling and disrupt the biofilm as required
    This can be repeated as often as needed to remove debris and slough


  3. Once the wound is desloughed, continue to apply Microdacyn® Wound Care Solution generously irrigating the wound during debridement as required.
    Practical Tip: There is no maximum volume of Microdacyn® Wound Care Solution that can be used as it is non-toxic.


  4. To the now cleaned and prepped wound bed place another Microdacyn® Wound Care Solution compress soak for 10-15 minutes
    This will attack the biofilm and soak deep into the wound to aid healing.

    Repeat the above steps 1-4 every day for the first 5 days when starting treatment. This is essential to remove
    topical infection.

  5. To wounds that benefit from donated moisture, apply a layer of Microdacyn® Hydrogel 2-5mm thick and cover/dress are appropriate.
    This can be left on for up to 3 days.


  6. Continue to apply Microdacyn® until the wound has closed.


For Health Care Professionals please contact us for a more detailed explanation of these points or click here

Burns Treatment


  1. Spray Microdacyn® Wound Care Solution directly onto the burnt area generously allowing full saturation of the burn.
    Continue to Spray Microdacyn® Wound Care Solution directly for greater than 30 seconds.


  2. In
    Use Spray Microdacyn® Wound Care Solution to irrigate the area while removing any debris.
    injuries Spray Microdacyn® Wound Care Solution should be used in excess.


  3. Once the area has dried apply Microdacyn® Hydrogel at least 2mm thick to the entire burn area.
    Reapply as often required to new burns.


  4. Cover and dress if required with the most suitable bandage system.
    Microdacyn® Wound Care Solution & Hydrogel are compatible with all types of bandages and dressings.


  5. Use Microdacyn® Wound Care Solution to loosen dressings and reduce trauma during removal when redressing.

  6. Continue to use Microdacyn® Wound Care Solution as required until the burn is resolved.

    Microdacyn® Wound Care Solution & Hydrogel are suitable in sensitive areas such as around they eyes and mouth


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